Transit Use Survey
Stéphanie Plante (Rideau-Vanier) – April 6, 2023
Attention transit riders!
OCTranspo is planning to make some changes to their bus routes in the fall. This is an opportunity for you to have a say in the future of your commute! In partnership with Councillor Rawlson King (Ward 13 – Rideau Rockcliffe) and Councillor Ariel Troster (Ward 14 – Somerset) we are publishing a survey and will be holding townhall meetings to hear from you. We will present this data to OCTranspo.
To create change we need to be able to present OCTranspo with data to back up our requests. Your participation in the survey is vitally important.
Our three offices are working together because transit doesn’t happen in a silo. Busses cross ward boundaries. A delay in one ward will have a ripple effect on the transit schedule in other wards. Stay tuned for upcoming townhall meetings.