
North River Road: Active Transportation Facilities

Online Consultation

Until September 9, 2024, 11:00 pm

The City of Ottawa is proposing roadway modifications to support walking, cycling and transit along North River Road between Selkirk Street and Queen Mary Street.

The City’s is proposing to add bike lanes, segments of sidewalks, improved bus stops, and intersection improvements along North River Road to improve safety and accessibility for people of all ages and abilities, while also encouraging cycling and connections to OC Transpo stops.

We are now seeking your feedback on the proposed plan through an online survey. Your input is important to assist the study team in finalizing the design for this roadway.

We encourage you to complete the online survey which will be available until September 9, 2024. Please visit Ottawa.ca/NorthRiverRoad to fill out the survey.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, contact the Project Manager.

For further information or questions, please contact:

Kalle Hakala
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON; K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 16228