We are a group of residents who care about where we live. We’re taking the time and energy to learn about and address resident concerns, to speak up for Vanier and to create and support events and initiatives that will build a community that all residents are proud to call home.
There are many ways to get involved – become a member, attend a board meeting, join a committee or volunteer your time or skills.
Free membership — join today
Use the online form below, or right-click this VCA membership application (MS Word), choose “Save Link As” to save it, and return the completed application form in person, by regular mail or by email, and we’ll add you to our mailing list.
Online Membership Form
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
The general membership shall be comprised of residents or homeowners of Vanier aged 18 years old or more, whose completed and signed membership application has been received and recorded by the Secretary of the Association. There is no fee for membership at this time.