Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.
The VCA is a completely volunteer-run organization. The more people step up to help out, the more impact we can have on our community! There are so many ways to pitch in. Our most pressing current needs are listed below – if you don’t see something that matches your interests, contact us anyway! We always need help with committees, events, advocacy, and more.
Current volunteer roles
Fundraising and sponsorship committee lead and members: Looking for you Vanier loud-and-proud folks, to help us with the fundraising and sponsorship committee. Obtaining donations, grants, and sponsorships will help the VCA expand our reach and do more cool stuff for our community. If you have experience in sales, promotion, or fundraising that’s awesome, but enthusiasm is the most important quality! (multiple spots available).
Tabling (Events): With the arrival of spring/summer comes outdoor events where VCA can set up a table to meet and recruit more neighbours to join us! Help us get this organized and spend some time enjoying the sunshine, chatting with people and sharing information (multiple spots available).
Communications and Outreach: You are creative and you have some knowledge of website management, social media, marketing or graphic design? Perhaps you like to write, or you are a skilled translator? We are in need of helpers for keeping our website up to date, creating content and posting on Facebook, designing posters, reviewing messaging for the Electronic Community Billboard, creating content for our monthly Newsletter, and for translation (multiple spots available).
Project or event coordination: Do you like to organize events? Do you enjoy working with a dynamic francophone team ? The Francophonie committee is looking for assistance to help organize community events such as ‘CARRÉment franco’ to celebrate the Franco Ontarian day on September 25th, or ‘CARRÉment bon’, which are social gatherings of Francophones and Francophiles in local restaurants. Perhaps you would like to lead another project? If so we would love to have you join us! (multiple spots available).
Safety: Are you concerned about safety in Vanier? Become a member of the Vanier Safety Committee. You would be working together with community partners such as the police Neighbourhood Resource Team and the Neighbourhood Watch program to ensure Vanier is a safe place for everyone to live. You could also help hand out safety information pamphlets during community events. (multiple spots available).
We are committed to establishing a volunteer group that is reflective of the diverse population we serve