
CBC/Radio-Canada: Ottawa’s ‘Indigicity’: Vanier’s rise as an urban home for Indigenous people

Welcome to Vanier, a hub for the Indigenous community in Ottawa

Ottawa’s ‘Indigicity’: Vanier’s rise as an urban home for Indigenous people

CBC News – Giacomo Panico – October 22, 2021

What’s behind the Ottawa neighbourhood’s evolution into a hub for First Nations, Métis and Inuit

Thanks to a strong network of Indigenous support and cultural centres, and the efforts of community workers over the years, Ottawa’s Vanier neighbourhood has become an urban hub for First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.

Read more and view video at CBC News.

Vanier First Nation

Vanier First Nation: Quand les Autochtones se réapproprient la capitale

Radio-Canada Empreintes – Dominique Degré – October 20, 2021

Surmontant l’adversité, les séquelles de la colonisation et parfois leurs propres traumatismes, des Autochtones qui ont élu domicile dans le quartier de Vanier, à un jet de pierre du parlement canadien, ont su créer leur propre « nation ».

Read more at Radio-Canada  (available in French only).